Sunday, January 17, 2010


屁股外侧还会紧,还会疼。 小腿也会。腰还不够强,还是背? :p
我想不必开刀, 希望。。。


新的project, 好多人事纠纷。
新的小组组长,也不算新了。。。 就是和他老板的期待有些出入。 有问题就丢给他人;身为组长,评论报告,我直摇头。
向老板反映,他却受不了。说我们该先告诉他。 大佬,我们同等级,我好难开口。。。不要变成种族对立就好。 挨完这,最好不用再见。

这过后, 还有什么, 我想老板也不知道。 有工就好。。。


讲了好久。。。终于作了决定。 定了Honda City。
算了又算,看了那笔要每个月付的债,心还可真疼。 是钱不够用,还是我吝啬?
车, 还真热门,四月尾才可拿车。 十六年的老战车,快要荣休了。


应该写些2010的愿望, 要达成的目标。 但,不是。。。

My Creed - Laine Parsons
To learn how to live for today. To understand that I should accept the things beyond my control, and not to take things so seriously. To hold on to courage and hope, and not let doubt discourage me from doing anything I aspire to do. To remember that the world needs the sunshine of as many smiles as it can get - and to do my part.
To build bridges, instead of walls. To see the best in others, to acknowledge their inner beauty with my outer appreciation. To remember that without friends and loved ones, my world would be nothing; to be thankful that with them, it is everything. To realize that there is an entire lifetime ahead of me, but precious little time to be wasted. To work for my goals, and know that they can be achieved; and to reach for dreams with ability, determination and belief. And finally to know, in the end, that life will be good to me... if i can do my best to be good to life.